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Production facilities

Biosfeer Groede’s production facility is designed per the latest GMP-guidelines. Biosfeer Groede has held both GMP+-guidelines certification and FSSC 22000 certification since 2016. This is hardly surprising as organic certification is one of our founding principles. Our fields have held continuous BIO (SKAL) certification since 2005.

We have separate areas for processing the harvest, drying, grounding, extracting, macerating, composing, concentrating and filling.

All facilities are equipped with modern and professional machinery and equipment, most of which are custom-made per our specifications. This leads to an efficient and qualitative production process, proving that speed and quality are not mutually exclusive.

Maceration takes place in stainless steel barrels, situated in traditional conditioned areas, and its contents are inspected and stirred daily.

One of our company’s specialties is ultrasound assisted maceration (UAM).

Over the course of 10 years, we have perfected this technique and used it to draw up over 350 new extraction protocols, which show excellent values on all vital parameters.

The advantages of ultrasound extraction:

  • High quality extracts
  • Natural colouration without oxidation
  • Strong flavours
  • A broader extraction spectrum
  • Multiple solvents can be use simultaneously
  • Allows the use of cold methods
  • Faster extraction leads to faster delivery

Ultrasound extraction is the result of powerful acoustic vibrations which lead to an intense mechanical effect with extreme local effects within the liquid. This increases the permeability of the cell walls and membranes and allows the compounds to mix cleanly and completely with the extraction fluid.

For more information on our products, call:

Biosfeer Groede