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Companies are awarded a GMP+ FSA (Feed Safety Assurance) certification when they meet all requirements and demands to ensure the safety of animal feeds. With over 18,000 GMP+ FSA certified companies, this is the largest module within the GMP+ certification program which is the standard for all links within the supply chain. Certified companies are tested by independent, international GMP+ approved institutions, the so-called certification bodies.

The FSA module has seen continued professionalization over time, with the integration of ISO-9001, HACCP, feed safety norms, traceability, monitoring, a prerequisites program, the chain approach and an early warning system (EWS). This broad approach means that the GMP+ FSA certification serves as de facto sales license in an increasing number of countries.

The Dutch Food Safety Certification Foundation (SCV) was responsible for developing the FSSC 22000 norm, the first global standard for the entire food industry. This norm has been approved by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and offers opportunities for international harmonization. FSSC 220000 – Food is based on ISO 22000, ISO/TS 22002-1 and Appendix 1A’s technical specifications, and considers the Global Food Safety’s gap analyses initiative.

SKAL certification (EU organic)

Het Skal BIO certificaat is gebaseerd op Europese wetgeving. Hierdoor is de Skal certificering in de hele EU gelijk. Skal gecertificeerde producten in de hele EU zijn dan ook voorzien van een keurmerk. Zo zijn biologische producten duidelijk herkenbaar voor consumenten.

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